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"Changelings: Forlorn Lauren" & Vincent Veloso mentioned on Interrobang by Jeffrey Gur

Thank you Jeffrey Gurian for the mention on theinterrobang!

Thank you Jeffrey Gurian for the mention on theinterrobang! Great filming with you on "Changelings: Forlorn Lauren" Please follow Jeffrey on Twitter and instagram: @jeffreygurian "I got a sneak peek at the newest episode of Vincent Veloso’s Amazon Prime series called Changelings:Cambions:kæmbiəns being released this coming Thursday and it’s crazy! The episode is titled Forlorn Lauren after its star, YouTube goddess Lauren Francesca. I play a dead guy that comes back to life and they even put my dead and decaying face on the poster. You’ll be able to see it both on Amazon and on Vimeo. Trust me it’s insane!"

Asian American Actors names Vincent Veloso Actor of the week! Thank you Asian American Actors!

Follow on twitter: @AznAmActors

Vincent also wrapped principal photography, acting in the film "Mr. Kiss" written/produced and directed by Afonso J Henrique

Follow on instagram: @afonso.j.henrique

"It was great fun and an honor filming with Afonso, the DP Eleni Karmiri and producer Andrew Hecht @andrewhcasting and all the great cast and crew. I am looking forward to seeing the film and hope to work with them again in the future soon. I want to again say thanks to my friend and Filipino-American Filmmaker and colleague Eugene Paolo Macalma for introducing us and I look forward to seeing more Golden Thrones Productions from @eugene_paolo in the future." Vincent said.

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