"Changelings:Cambions:kæmbiəns" Season 2 episodes, "Aswang" and "Forlorn La
Congratulations @catecurtin @ericrobertsactor @stormimaya @iwantmylauren @jeffreygurian @scottchurchson @veralam and the rest of Changelings Season 2 episodes "Aswang" and "Forlorn Lauren" cast and crew on both episodes being named Semi-finalists in the 2017 Caribbean Film Festival and Market!
Watch "Changelings:Cambions:kæmbiəns" Season 1 and Season 2 episodes on vimeo.com/ondemand/changelingstheseries and Amazon prime! "Forlorn Lauren" coming soon on Amazon prime! #changelingsweb #catecurtin #ericrobertsactor #stormimaya #iwantmylauren #laurenfrancesca #jeffreygurian #scottchurchson #veralam #vinceveloso #actorslife #writer #producer #director #screenwriter