Vincent Veloso appears on "Tales from the Film Set" with Scott Churchson and Jasmine Bloch-Krempels
March 2 2021 - Vincent Veloso appeared on "Tales from the Film Set" with Scott Churchson and Jasmine Bloch-Krempels
Scott and Jasmine spoke with Vincent about the new film he appears in, "Assault on VA-33" with #seanpatrickflanery & #Michael Jai White, his music carere and the new M'lumbo @mlumbomusic Albums on @ropadope records and more.
"It was an honor to be on a guest on "Tales from the Film Set" I had a fun time with Scott and Jasmine talking about the exciting things coming up with Mlumbo and Ropeadope records, "Assault on VA-33" and sharing the various tales from the set we've shared over the years and new stuff coming up. Hope to come back on the show in the future" Vincent said.

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